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上传人:tiros009 2018/11/3 文件大小:23 KB




文章编号: 2095-2163(2018)03-0064-06中图分类号: 文献标志码: A
摘要: 关键词: (Heilongjiang Hengxun Technology Co. Ltd., Harbin 150090, China)
Abstract: Modern science and technology is in a period of rapid development, fingerprint identification technology has been integrated into the various fields of social life. Among many biometric identification techniques, fingerprint recognition technology is widely used as one of the most intuitive technologies. There are some drawbacks in traditional fingerprint recognition technology, such as manually setting fingerprint features and multiple debugging. Design features and classifier selection are relatively difficult to achieve optimization, resulting in poor recognition rate. It is necessary to propose a scheme to improve the accuracy of fingerprint recognition. With the rise of machine learning technology in recent years, deep learning technology has e a hot topic at the moment. bination of deep learning technology and biometric identification technology also has a bright future. Deep learning technology can learn and analyze in massive data. It can automatically identify, analyze and learn fingerprint characteristic data, thereby reduce manual workload
, and improve the accuracy of fingerprint recognition. This paper introduces briefly the research status and existing problems of deep learning and fingerprint recognition technology, through convolution work has made the analysis and improvement on the fingerprint recognition technology based on the deep learning. In this paper, it is expected that the analysis and improvement of fingerprint identification technology will help people to understand the concept better and application of fingerprint identification, and promote the rapid development of biometric identification technology.
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