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Table of Contents 目录
A Note On Frameworks ....................................................................关于框架几点注意
Strategic Tools & Frameworks .........................................................战略工具和框架
Economics Frameworks ...................................................................经济学框架
Finance & Accounting Frameworks ................................................金融和会计学框架
Sample Cases… An Introduction.....................................................案例研究(背景介绍)
Sample Case & Suggested Solution................................................案例研究和建议
Profitability Cases..............................................................................盈利能力案例
Market Entry & General Strategy Cases..........................................市场进入和整体政略案例
More Case Questions To Try............................................................补充案例
Market Sizing & Estimation Cases ...................................................市场细分和预测案例
More Market Sizing & Estimation Cases To Try ........................补充案例
Brainteasers .......................................................................................脑经急转弯
Cases With Slides......................................................................有幻灯片的案例
A Note On Frameworks
By the time you face a client, we would like you to feel very confident that you can listen to a description of a situation, and rapidly put together a systematic, logical way of analyzing it. As a consultant, the first important thing is how well you break a problem down and then logically try to solve it. We want you to be able to say to yourself, “I’ve done this for several cases; I know I can deal with it.”
A framework can guide your intelligent questioning of the clients, lets you
lay out your analysis in a coherent manner, and lets you apply your experience