[摘要] 目的建立复方氨酚那敏颗粒中胆红素的测定方法。方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别复方氨酚那敏颗粒中的胆红素;采用紫外-可见分光光度法测定复方氨酚那敏颗粒中胆红素的含量。结果薄层鉴别斑点清晰,阴性对照无干扰;~ μg/ml范围内与吸光度线性关系良好(r=),%,%(n=9)。结论该方法简便、准确、稳定且无干扰,可作为该制剂中胆红素的质量控制标准。
[关键词] 复方氨酚那敏颗粒;薄层色谱;胆红素;紫外-可见分光光度法
[中图分类号] [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2013)11(a)-0054-03
Study on the identification and content determination of bilirubin pound paracetamol and chlorphenamine maleate granules
MA Yue-min1 ZENG Chang-qing2 HUANG Chun-hui2 SONG Xiao-xiao1
Institute for Drug Control,Shenzhen 518057,China; of Pharmacy Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,Guangzhou 510000,China
[Abstract] Objective To establish a method for the determination and ide
ntification of bilirubin in aminophenol pound paracetamol and chlorphenamine maleate granules. Methods A TLC method was developed to identify bilirubin pound paracetamol and chlorphenamine maleate content of bilirubin was determined by UV spectrophotometry. Results The bilirubin spot of TLC were clear,negative control was no linear calibration curve for bilirubin was obtained in the concentration range of - μg/ml(r=).The average recoveries (n=9) were %,RSD=%. Conclusion The method is simple,sensitivity,and stable,and could be used as the quality control method of bilirubin pound paracetamol