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1. After having finished the work, he wanted nothing except ____.
A. having a deep sleep B. to have a deep sleep
B. he had a deep sleep D. have a deep sleep
2. _____ , ice will be changed into water.

heating be heated
3. I first considered ___ to him, but then decided ____ him.
A. writing; how seeing B. to write; when to see
C. writing; when to see D. to write; where seeing
4. He had learned ____ such things, so he refused ____.
A. to do; being taught to B. doing; to be taught to
C. to do; to be taught to D. doing; being taught to
5. European football is played in 80 countries, _____it the most popular sport in the world.
A. making B. makes C. make D. to make
6. Although he didn't expect ____me here, he advised ____ to the nearest restaurant.
A. to find; going B. finding; to go
C. to find; to go D. finding; going
7. Robert is said _____ abroad, but I don't know what country he studies in.
A. to have studied B. to study
be studying have been studying
8. I've worked with children before , so I know what ________in my new job.
ed expect
be expecting
9. What he said made us _____ .
10. The man _____ in a shop was sent to the police station.
A. who caught stealing B. to be caught stealing
C. caught to steal D. caught stealing
11. He _____ me to give him a right direction.
A. expected B. demanded
C. hoped D. suggested
12. _____ you the truth, I don’t like the design he offered.
13. I noticed _____ those beautiful flowers.
A. him looking B. his looking
C. he looking D. him to look
14. With a lot of difficult problems _____ the manager fell like a cat on hot brick.
A. to settle B. settling
C. settled D. being settled
15. Everybody thought _____ strange for a shy man to _____ so many exciting things.
A. this; have dolce B. it ;have done
C. this; do D. it; do
16. H