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上传人:neryka98 2018/11/9 文件大小:64 KB




( ) can improve your English________reading more.
A. in
( )2.
( )3.---I don’t have a partner to play table tennis with.
---Why _______a sports club to practice a lot?
’t you join B. not to join joining ’t join
( ) find ________difficult to understand the teacher when she talks.
C this
( ) was late for class______the bad weather.
since B. with D because of
( ) is very young ,______he knows a lot about science.
;so ; but C. When;and ; /
( )7.
( ) policeman warned us ________ football on the street.
't play to play play playing
( )9. We enjoy the full moon ____ Mid-Autumn night.
A. on B. at C. of D. with
( )10. Bikes are ____ in our city.
A. more popular and more popular B. most popular and popular
C. more popular and most popular D. more and more popular
( ) boss made his workers_________from morning till night.
( ) grandma used to_______TV at home after dinner. But now she is used to________a walk.
,take , take , taking D. watch, taking
( )13. _____ nice the ice cream looks! I can’t wait to taste it.
A. How a B. How C. What a D. What
( ) don’t know if Jack ______back today. If he____back,
I’ll call you.
A. e; e


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