े߾ᇑᆌᆩ Bvhvtu!!3121
Preparation and Properties of High Damping Microcapsule/Epoxy
মLjዜၬ۫ Fan Chuanjie, Zhou Xiaodongدݔ
ᄓLjฉ࡛ 200237ํۅࢇࡔॆዘײბࣅბ߾ٷࣀ۫߾-
- State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
ༀ૰ბඤݴဆᅏLjཚࡗມՅ֪ۯঌశԢକྲঌశ/࣍ᄟຏኬްࢇଙLj֑ᆩྲڦNJ᜵: ᅜփཞࡤଉࢅ૭০
ഄፆႠీႜକჺ৯ăࡕǖྲঌశࡤଉĂ૭ܔݛ݆ሞՎ࿒DŽ-40~150ņDžࢅՎೕDŽ1~200 HzDžཉॲူ
Abstract : A series of posites filled with microcapsules of different content and particle size were
prepared. The damping properties of microcapsule/posites at -40~150ņ and 1~200 Hz
were investigated by DMA. The results show that the content and particle size of microcapsule
as well as viscosity of microcapsule core solvent have obvious effects on damping properties
of posites; the damping properties of posites are improved with the increase
of particle size of microcapsule and viscosity of microcapsule core solvent for the same
microcapsule content; the addition of microcapsule improves the damping properties of the
composites at low frequency.
ѫዜՁ: ಕខᆉ: Aڎ˖С᪃ជ: ࣍ᄟຏኬǗፆႠీǗྲঌశǗ૰ბႠీ
Key words : Epoxy; Damping properties; Microcapsule; Mechanical properties
ǖۅᆫڦঌశሶਏᆶ၂ዸྲڦT gᅂ༹శႊگऐႁీ