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上传人:xunlai783 2018/11/11 文件大小:54 KB




文档介绍:be all legs(derog) :have legs that are disproportionately long and thin.
walk one’s legs off : walk until one is exhausted
walk sb off his feet: tire sb by making him walk too far or too fast
leg it: go on foot
eg: it’s on use, the car won’t start—we will have to leg it.
leg-rest: (病人坐时)搁脚的凳或架
leg-room:space available for a seated person’s legs
eg: There’s not much leg-room in there aircraft.
leg work: 跑腿活,外勤
eg: Being a detective involves a lot of leg work.
leggings: protective outer coverings for the legs 绑腿,裹腿
Be on one’s foot: be standing
Eg: I have been on my feet all day.
have one’s /both feet on the ground:be sensible, realistic, practical
have a foot in both camps: have an interest in two different parties, sides, without mitment脚踏两只船
have one foot in the grave: be so old or ill that one is not likely to live much longer 一只脚已踏入坟墓;行将就木;死期不远
on one’s feet: completely recovered from an illness or a set-back(患病或遭挫折后)完全复原 eg: After his wife
’s death, it took him two years to get back on his feet. Only our party’s policies will put our country on it feet again.
put one’s foot down: be very firm in opposing sth which sb wishes to do 坚决反对某人向做某事 eg:Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying oveernight, she put her foot down firmly.
put a foot wrong: (esp in negative sentences)make a mistake做错事
eg:I’ve never known him to put a foot wrong, no matter how delicate the issue.
rush/run sb (clean) off his feet: make sb work very hard or moveabout a lot, so making him exhausted 把某人累坏了,使某人疲于奔命 eg:Before Christmas the shop assitants are rushed off their feet.
stand on one’s own (two) feet: be independend and be able to take care of oneself独立自主,自立 eg: Now that you’re growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet.
find one’s feet:(1)能够站稳,能够走稳 eg: After six-week illness it took me some time to find my feet again.
(2)能够独立而有信心地行动:I only recently joined the firm, so I am still finding my feet.
ten feet tall:


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