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上传人:rita291961 2018/11/11 文件大小:37 KB




工程管理英文论文 Abstract: according to the characteristics of the importance of engineering machinery teaching and curriculum, to cultivate application-oriented engineering talents as the goal of curriculum system, briefly describes the situation of Construction Machinery Association and summarize the current curriculum design problems and deficiencies, establish related course model by correlation matrix method, by means of parison principle for better the basis of inheriting the original design content, the author puts forward some suggestions on the teaching system and curriculum design of engineering machinery, and provides reference for the curriculum reform in higher education.
Keywords: mechanical engineering; curriculum design; curriculum system of correlation matrix;
With the reform of higher education in China, curriculum design is the key to the teaching of engineering machinery curriculum design is limited in most textbooks on the topic, although the book on the problem is through strict logic design, but because of limited amount of knowledge and students themselves to professional cognitive factors, “cannot see the wood for the trees” phenomenon, although learning very seriously, but can not connect the course with the whole system,


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