题目: “万福生科”会计信息失真案例分析及启示
专业: 会计学
学号: 2013904532
姓名: 王硕
指导教师: 龙力文
完成日期: 2017年4月20日
中文题目、摘要、关键词 1
英文题目、摘要、关键词 1
一、引言 2
(一)研究背景和选题意义 2
(二)文献综述 2
(二)研究方法和研究思路 3
二、会计信息失真的概述 4
(一)会计信息概念 4
(二)会计信息失真的概念 4
(三)会计信息失真的危害 4
三、“万福生科”会计信息失真案例分析 5
(一)“万福生科”案例简介 5
(二)“万福生科”财务造假手段分析 6
四、“万福生科”财务造假原因分析 9
(一)贪婪--利益驱动,名誉追逐 9
(二)需求--降低偿债压力,迎合监管要求 9
(三)机会--内部控制松弛,外部控制失效 9
五、启示与措施 10
(一)加强公司内部控制建设,建立内部制衡机制 10
(二)加强中介机构监督管理,推行审计机构轮换制度 10
(三)提高违规成本,探索新的民事赔偿机制,形成经济预期公正 10
(四)加强执业人员诚信建设,提高专业胜任能力 11
六、结束语 11
【参考文献】 12
Case Analysis and Revelation of Accounting Information Distortion in Wanfu Shengke
【Abstract】Accounting information is an important information that reflects pany's financial situation, operating results and changes in funds. It is an important carrier to record the accounting process and results. It is an important basis for reflecting the financial status of the enterprise and evaluating the operating performance for reproduction or investment decision. Accounting information on a business and even countries have a very important impact. However, in recent years, accounting information distortion cases frequently appear, to the society and the country caused huge losses, so the governance of accounting information distortion has e an urgent need to solve the problem, this article cited "Wanfu Shengke" accounting information distortion case, its False means of the process and the reasons for in-depth analysis, and cited the relevant governance countermeasures.
【Key Words】Accounting information Wanfu Shengke Counterfeiting means Revelation and measures