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上传人:drp539605 2018/11/12 文件大小:95 KB




文档介绍:Task 1
In the five short advertisements, sofa beds, a women’s magazine, a car buyer’s magazine, a kind of soap and a radio programme on music are advertised.
B. 1) a) 2) c) 3) b) 4) d) 5) c)
C. 1) T 2) F 3) F
1) At Simply Sofabeds at Notting Hill Gate we're lowering our prices—for Christmas. Masses of sofa beds for immediate delivery. We're open six days a week, with viewing on Sunday. So celebrate Christmas early this year with a Simply Sofabeds sofa bed at a price that's right. Simply Sofabeds!
2) Could there really be a woman's magazine that's different? Yes. It's called Prima. It's packed with news, opinion, fashion and once again there's a free giant pull-out section with clothes to make, crafts to create, beautiful sweaters to knit. Get your second, value-packed issue of Prima!
3) Car Buyer magazine. Every Thursday. It gives you a choice of more new and used cars than all of your local papers put together—and for less. Car Buyer for car buyers. At your newsagent's now.
4) Girls! Sensitive skin really does need more sensitive care. And I take special care of my sensitive skin with Cuticura soap. Because Cuticura soap contains a medicated ingredient which cleans your skin without leaving it dry or tight. Cuticura medicated soap. From chemists everywhere.
5) Hello. This is Bob Harris inviting you to join me this Friday and every Friday evening for the LBC "Pop Review". I play the best of the recent releases, review the British and the American charts, play classic music by the big stars and new tracks by the names of tomorrow. So it's a real mix of different styles and I'm sure you'll love the music. I'd certainly love to have pany. This Friday evening at half past nine. Right here on LBC.
Task 2
Effects of
You may do one of these things when sunbathing:
1. You don’t use any suntan oil.
2. You use an ordinary suntan oil.
3. You use Bergasol.
Different results of different acts:
1. You skin may burn terribly if t


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