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上传人:在水一方 2018/11/12 文件大小:29 KB





Without Tim Gun, would we ever be able to make it work. He is new master reference about every fashion and style. His show's today is called Tim Gun fashion bibe and covers from everthing from togas to T-shirts, and he definitely does not love the more. He's here to tell us all about we e you Tim Gunner
Thankyou Laura. (hooray) we'll begin with you. especially someone is fashionable It was you.
Oh, well, thank you. That is plement. Uh, in the book I love you talk about the biggest fashion crime in history. Tell us what you believe this.
Oh, well, actually there are some many of them. But I mean, for me, I have to say it's item of footwear. It's that you pick with(ubiquitous) this Croc. I have to say. I mean footwear has tremendously long lineage of wearing. Of course as long as we've been walking, we've been putting things on the feet. But this is such a major step backward. (hehehe...) it's almost like going back to Neanderthals
I hope Mario Batali, right now because he just so love them.
But doese he wear in the fashion context ever on the red carpet wearing a pair of crocs, isn't?
I think she is just always wearing, but, yeah,
They think always. well,
Also you two up for appointment.
I mean needs crocs Mario. So, crocs are no-go. You also talked about capri cargopants I say, absolutely do not.
if you, are you honestly do not understand why they are