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上传人:小博士 2018/11/14 文件大小:66 KB




When earth gives our life,it also gives us different colors. Different colors give us different life. Colors act an important role. They give culture more energy. No matter good or bad,colors vivified culture. Conversely, culture enriched colors and give colors more meanings. They are supplementary to each other. Various colors make culture more splendid,and culture also shows the difference of colors.
I What is color?
Colors are the sensation produced on the eyes by rays of light when resolved as by a prism,selective reflection,etc, into different wavelengths^1]. Colors are a kind of language to describe different culture.
II Culture in colors
There are so many colors in our life. In different area,a same color shows different meaning. At the same time,it also reflect the difference of culture. Now PH introduce six basic colors in our life: red, white, black, green, yellow, and blue.
Both in East and West,red stands for happy. In traditional Chinese wedding, red is the mainly color, and bride must wear red clothes. Why? Because it stands for happy and good luck. In the traditional ideas, people think red can expel evil influences and invoke blessings in China. So red is a good luck color. Because red makes people have a exciting mood easily,people often decorated with red in a happy day like wedding. In West,festival and holiday are marked with red in c


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