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The Prevalence of work contributes to the rapid Progress of live broadcasting systems,but streaming media broadcast system which iS based on the traditional C/S mode exists capacity bottleneck,it is difficult to adapt to the large-scale this
end,the researchers made a work based on the distilbution of
streaming media technology,data will be distributed from the center of streaming media server distributed to users on the Based on P2P
network makes streaming media services,and have a better scalability,
robustness and practicality.
一This Paper introduces the development and the related technologies of p2p streaming media it discusses an P2P streaming media model,in this paper,we propose a P2P media streaming system,in which nodes cache and share with each other a portion of the media data
consumed SO the load on the media server is alleviated and more nodes
could be to a anizing algorithm,nodes playing the same media file will automatically form an hierarchical work,rooted at an index resource reporting mechanism iS applied on top of the hierarchical tree to make resource information
gather at the index server which is responsible for answering queries. This makes the proposed system have high searching efficiency and be able to balance the load on nodes with different abilities.Ⅵl,11en selecting which nodes togetting data from,System’S sender selection policy takes into account bandwidth,hop distance and alive connections of the candidate sender,so it can make best use of playing nodes to make load on the server as little as call also lessen the burden of work by avoiding long—distance data data transmission,the dynamic monitoring and controlling scheme of the system can ensure the download speed is fast enough for playing the
,System’S reputation mechanism helps to encourage sharing to improve system performance.
Finally,the paper sums