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英语演讲稿:Prepared Speech 英文演讲稿范文.docx

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英语演讲稿:Prepared Speech 英文演讲稿范文.docx

上传人:mkjafow 2018/11/16 文件大小:16 KB


英语演讲稿:Prepared Speech 英文演讲稿范文.docx



文档介绍:英语演讲稿:Prepared Speech 英文演讲稿范文
【英语演讲稿:Prepared Speech】 honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
first of all, let me take this chance to present to you a set of data that i hope won't bore you since the source is china daily.
china's tourism revenue last year reached 500 billion rmb, an increase of percent from the year before, prised more than 5% of china's gdp. according to experts, this number will grow to 8% in ing ten years and more than 40 million jobs will be created.
as a student majoring in economics, i can't be more sensitive to the essential meanings behind these numbers. they mean progress, prosperity, employment and stability.
however, as a conscientious chinese and citizen of the world, i can't help but care more about the losses incurred in this transaction, by which i mean the disturbing images of environmental destruction, which leads to ecological crisis. the global environment has changed for the worse during the past few years, and tourism is partly to blame. take china for example, in order to attract tourists, many unknown places are built into resorts. forests are cleared, prairies trampled, rivers and lakes 6)contaminated, wild animals are driven away, plants jeopardized and secluded populations disturbed.
if this seems too remote and abstract, my own traveling experience may speak louder here. last year i took a tour around emei


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