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上传人:n22x33 2018/11/20 文件大小:25 KB




文档介绍:With the development of global economy, cross-munication has e more and more frequent, and the differences between Chinese and western culture have e more obvious, especially the differences of table manners.
Arrangement of seat in China
In China, people used to use the number of the tables to define the size of banquet. In small banquets which have two tables, the table on the left or farther to the portal is the top table. At bigger banquets that have three or more tables, the rules are much plicated.
Generally, seats that closer to the top table take precedence. For example, on the wedding party, family members of the bride or the leaderships are arranged to the table that closest to the top table. Hosts show their reverences to the guests by arranging seats by this way.
Seats at one table also have different meanings. In Chinese table manner, the seat opposite to the door is the honor seat, which is for chief guests or elders; the seats beside are the second honor seat which are for other guests; the seats that opposite to the honor seat are the inferior seat. Inferior seats are for the host and hostess.
So before the banquet, hosts should first invite the chief guest or elders to the honor seat, and then invite other guests to the second honor seat. Hosts sit down on the inferior seats after all the guests sit down.
Arrangement of seat in West
Western people