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傲慢与偏见中 的婚姻观论文.docx

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傲慢与偏见中 的婚姻观论文.docx


An Analysis of Jane Austen's Views on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice

I. Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
Jane Austen (1775-1817), a most well-known female writer in the history of English literature, was born in Steventon on December 16 1775. And she lived peacefully in a small social circle all her life. She was the youngest of seven children in her family. She received most of her education at home. Her family are all fond of reading books, which influenced her very much. Her reading extended little beyond the literature of the eighteenth century, and within that period she admired Dr. Johnson particularly. Later she was delighted with both the poetry and prose of Scott,. she died on July 18 1817 and she never married. Austen was buried in the cathedral in Winchester.
Jane Austen wrote only plete novels, two of which were published after her death. Her best-known books include Sense and Sensibility(1811), Pride and Prejudice(1813),and Emma(1816). Each is perfect, and there is no choosing between them for one who enjoys her quiet irony and her simple delicate analysis of character. There are no heroic passions nor astounding adventures. Northanger Abbey is a gentle satire on the mystery tale of haunted castles. And in all her novels the love-making of her young people, though serious and sympathetic, is subduced by humor to th


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