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上传人:xunlai783 2018/11/22 文件大小:71 KB




文档介绍:目标: SHOW出自己的水平
原则: 只写有把握的
Part I Grading Criteria
Limiting the Use of Disposable Plastic Bags

14 points
Disposable plastic bags were once widely used. As they were cheap and convenient, we depended on them to carry things when shopping. They had e part of our everyday life.
However, disposable plastic bags have brought lots of problems. Firstly, due to their chemical structure, the bags are difficult to break down. Moreover, some poisonous chemicals in the plastics will set off to the soil and damage our crops. Finally, our health may be harmed and the environment may be badly damaged. Can you imagine our earth being covered by millions of plastic bags?
So, it really makes sense to limit the use of disposable plastic bags. By reducing the use of them, we can protect our environment and ourselves. Maybe it will be a little more costly to use other bags, but the benefits we get greatly outweigh the extra money we pay. In a word, it’s necessary to limit the use of disposable plastic bags and in this way, everyone of us can make a contribution to a better environment.
11 points
As we all know, disposable plastic bags were widely used in the past. We would use them whenever we went shopping. The disposable plastic bag brought us lots of conveniences.
However, the problem the plastic bag brings is also serious. It makes our environment dirty and messed when flying in the air. And the most serious point is that it can’t disappear itself soon, it will last for a long time. So many people call the disposable plastic bag “the White Pollution”.
The time e when we should limit the use of disposable plastic bags. The action will make our environment cleaner and fortable for us to live. On the other hand, when we replace disposable plastic bags, the action will save a lot of money for sellers as well as the buyers.
So let’s take action to limit the use of disposable plastic ba