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上传人:tmm958758 2018/11/25 文件大小:70 KB




文档介绍:[60 pts total, 6 pts each]
1, Give out three examples of zinc blende structure semiconductor materials.
2, Please write down the relation between effiective mass and .
3, Please describe the role of phonons in the transiton of indirect bandgap materials.
4, What is a donor level (describe with characters and figure)? What elements can be as donor impurities for .
5, Please write down the Fermi distribution function and indicate the applicable case.
6, At , Please describe the physical meaning of Fermi distribution function.
7, Please tell us there are how many kinds of binations. What are they? And please figure them out.
8, Please figure out the I-V curve of the tunneling diode and analyze it in detail.
9, Please draw a sketch of a metal and a semiconductor before contact. Work function, electron affinity, etc. Should be indicated in the figure.
10, Please draw the bandgap of an Ohmic contact which formed by metal-n type semiconductor.
[40 pts total, 10 pts each]
1, Assuming a is the lattice constant of one dimentional crystal. The bootom of the conduction band and top of the vallance band are , respectively. Where is the mass of electrons, ,.Please calculate
(1) the band gap
(2) effective mass of electrons at the bottom of the conduction band
(3) effective mass of electrons at the top of the valance band
(4) the quasi-momentum when electrons transit from the