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1. What had Men found in the Yukon.

(答案 A)
was Buck born ?
A. Seattle sunny Santa Clara valley
(答案 B)
3. How much did Buck weigh when he was four years old ?
kilos kilos kilos kilos
(答案 A)
did Buck travel to Seattle ?
foot train car sledge
(答案 B)
5. How much did the man who stole Buck get ?
A. 100 dollars B. 50 dollars C. 150 dollars D. 300 dollars
(答案 A)
much did Perrault pay for Buck ?
A. 100 dollars B. 50 dollars C. 150 dollars D. 300 dollars
(答案 D)
did Buck sleep in the snow ?
a tent the snow the box a hole
(答案 D)
did Buck learn to eat quickily ?
food was very delicous
food would be cold soon
he was too slow, the other dogs stole his food.
dislike it
(答案 C)
information about Buck does Paragraph 2 suggest?
was satisfied with his life and felt proud of himself.
won great respect due to his nice figure and strong muscles.
was not different from the other dogs in Judge Miller's place.
kept the pany to set himself apart from the other dogs.
(答案 A)
burst into anger when ________.
rope was tied around his neck
rope around his neck was pulled tight
was taken away from the Millers
was left behind with a stranger
(答案 B)
the end of the passage we can infer that ________.
was hopeless about his future
got both his body and his pride hurt
was sure that the Millers e to his rescue
realized he was being sent to the north to help people seek gold
(答案 B)
is the writer's attitude towards Buck?
. (批判的).
. (冷漠的).
(答案 C)
13. The big, snow-white dog Spitz was seen by Buck.
A. crying over Curly’s death
B. digging a hole for sleeping
C. sharing in the killing of Curly
D. tearing the tent of Francois and Perrault
(答案 C


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