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上传人:乘风破浪 2018/11/30 文件大小:16 KB




文档介绍:Scene 1:
PJ: yeah! Yeah, this is way more fun since you’ve learned how to clap.
Mrs Dabney: Don’t ignore me! When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it!
Mr Dabney: get off my back, woman!
Mrs Dabney: you want me off your back? I can arrange that.
PJ: Charlie, those are our neighbors, the Dabneys. They’ve been married a
long time.
Gabe: hey,PJ, I just kicked the football into the Dabneys’ backyard. Will you go get it?
PJ: no way! they’re going at it again. Gabe: well, what about the football?
PJ: who cares? It’s gone. Kiss it goodbye.
Gabe: well, I’m glad to hear you say that, because it was your football.
Scene 2:
Mrs Dabney: ha, I warned you. That’s what you get for being a bad husband! And now you’re dead. Is somebody out here? Who’s out here?

Gabe: where’s the football?

PJ: forget the football! Mrs Dabney just murdered Mr Dabney!
Gabe: what!
PJ: I heard her talking to his corpse. It
was chilling.
Gabe: just so I’m clear, you didn’t get the football?
PJ: I’m serious, Gabe.
Gabe: come on. Mrs Dabney may be a mean, vicious, cruel, horrible, nasty old witch,but she’d never do something like that.