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上传人:小博士 2018/12/1 文件大小:175 KB




文档介绍:: .
Table of Contents
Abstract i
抄摘要: ii
Introduction 1
LI Research background 1
Aims and objectives 1
13 Data collection and research method 1
Literature Review 2
Introduction 2
Previous related studies 2
Definition of vague language 2
The classical definition 2
The working definition 3
Summary 3
Classifications of Vague Language in Business Letters 4
Introduction 4
Business letters in foreign trade 4
Definition,function of business letters in foreign trade 4
The principles of writing business letters 4
33 Classifications of vague language in business letters 4
Lexical vagueness 5
Syntactical vagueness 6
Hedges 6
Summary 6
Situations and Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in Business Letters 6
Introduction 6
The situations of vague language in business letters 7
Conveying the bad news 7
Promoting further negotiation 8
Lacking specific information 8
Clarifying the objective situation 9
Withholding information 9
Requesting the other side plete obligations 9
The pragmatic functions of vague language in business letters 9
(ii) Giving more space in further negotiation 9
(iii) Realizing courtesy munication 10
(iv) Enhancing the flexibility 10
(v) Strengthening self-protection 10
(vi) Minimizing the threat to the other side 10
(vii) Strengthening the persuasiveness 11
Summary 11
Conclusion 11
Business letters play an important role in munication. Its effective use has a close bearing on the whole transaction. Though “correctness” and “clearness” are the principles of writing business letters, under some circumstances the addresser may employ the vague language to convey the information to the addressee,so that it can finally reach to the municative intentions.
Based on various relevant


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