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上传人:镜花流水 2018/12/1 文件大小:23 KB




文档介绍:New Zealand
New Zealand is a small country located in the South Pacific Ocean. It has a population of about 4 million. It consists of two principal islands, the North Island and the South Island.
New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. As it is an island country, it’s wet all year round.
In short, New Zealand is an attractive, beautiful place. Many people think it is the last piece of clean land on the earth.
The culture of New Zealand is unique and full of vitality. Much of contemporary New Zealand culture is derived from British roots. It was also affected by American, Australian and Maori cultures, European cultures and Asian cultures.
Celebration of different ethnic festivals has e a New Zealand culture. Large festivals in celebration of Diwali and Chinese New Year are held in several of the larger centers. The world's largest Polynesian festival, Pasifika, is an annual event in Auckland.
New Zealand and the United Kingdom use the same language. The music and cuisine of New Zealand are similar to that of Britain and the United States, although both have some distinct New Zealand and Pacific qualities.
School in New Zealand pulsory from age 6 to 16, but nearly all children begin school at 5 and many continue until age 18. After three years at secondary school most pupils take the Sch