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上传人:xunlai783 2018/12/3 文件大小:21 KB




文档介绍:A. preparing B. having prepared C. prepared D. to be prepared
2. ____ to supporting the growing number of students seeking odd jobs, we will provide them with the information they need.
A. Committing B. Committed
C. mitted D. mitted
3. ____ Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job, but you will learn a lot from it.
A. Comparing B. Compared C. pared D. Compare
4. Since Beijing took the severest measure so far, ____ at controlling a sharp rise in housing prices, many cities have followed suit.
A. having aimed B. aiming C. to aim D. aimed
5. An explosion blew the roof off an unstable reactor north of Tokyo, ____ fears of a disaster at a nuclear plant ____ in the massive earthquake that hit Japan.
A. raising; damaging B. raised; being damaged
C. raising; damaged D. to raise; to be damaged
6. ____ with enough ability for the present job, Mike was not fit for it and he had to quit it.
A. Not equipping B. Not equipped
C. Not to be equipped D. Having not been equipped
7. He caught a youth ___ a car and also won a Post Office award for fighting off two men trying ___ his van.
A. to break into; breaking in B. to break into; to break in
C. breaking into; breaking into D. breaking into; to break into
8. ___ any food or water for hours, the tourists were hungry and dry with thirst.
A. Not having B. Not had C. Not having had D. Not to have


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