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、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将所选答案的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分,共15分)
1. He deserved ________ the prize for writing such an amazing short story. I don’t understand his not receiving the award.
A. winning B. having won
C. to win D. to have won
2. Hard ________ he tried, he was unable to meet the deadline for the term paper.
A. although B. as
C. if D. since
3. ________, a man who can express himself effectively is likely to eed more rapidly than those who can’t.
A. Other things to be equal B. Were other things equal
C. To be equal to other things D. Other things being equal
4. There she spent her days in a bare, gray-walled room lined ________ small boxes, where the orphans kept whatever playthings they had.
A. by B. with
C. for D. over
5. Hearing aids make ________ possible for people with hearing problems to use the telephone and even to listen to music.
A. that B. what
C. it D. which
6. “Appearance is essential,” he said. Each morning he put on clean socks, ________ trousers and a fresh white shirt.
A. pressed B. pressing
C. presses D. press
7. If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you will not catch ________ one.
A. each B. any
C. neither D. either
8. Parents should learn to explain their feelings to the child so that the child can realize the ________ of his or her behaviour on them.
