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云南省云天化中学高一英语每周练习题4 (2).doc

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云南省云天化中学高一英语每周练习题4 (2).doc

上传人:apaihuai49 2018/12/4 文件大小:172 KB


云南省云天化中学高一英语每周练习题4 (2).doc



______(hope), the ______(self) scientist made devotion to his research and found a new treatment.
Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h______.
The puzzled______ on her face suggested that she didn’t know how she could______ her feelings properly.(express)
Anna and Alice had decided to have a holiday together, but the______ of them changed her own plan, which made Anna______ for her train.(late)
______ from his looks, he must be an honest man. On the contrary, he often robs and steals, so the judge pointed out a man should not be______ by his looks.(judge)
He is always w______ to help anyone who is in trouble.
After______(graduate), he has been working in the remote countryside.
John is very______(rely), so you can rely on him to help when you are faced with difficulties.
______ the toll-free police on the express way, what______ us most are the traffic jams while some ______ about the safety.(concern)
She is______(慷慨的) and often helps the poor.
Thank you, but I will have to turn______ your offer.(介词)
He is always the first student______(answer) questions in class.
All men are born______, so everyone hopes to be treated______ because______ is the basic demand.(equal)
The last 30 years______(see) great changes in China.
The boss was under______(抨击) by the newspapers for not caring for the workers.
People who