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Raw Material & Energy biweekly news alert from Oct 19 to Nov 9.pdf

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Raw Material & Energy biweekly news alert from Oct 19 to Nov 9.pdf

上传人:管理资源吧 2011/9/11 文件大小:0 KB


Raw Material & Energy biweekly news alert from Oct 19 to Nov 9.pdf


文档介绍:Raw Material & Energy
RawB Miawteereiakl l&y ENnerwgys NAelwesr tAlert
Oct 19 ~ Nov 9, 2007


Natural gas industry
Date Subject Content
A tunnel under China's Yangtze River pleted for a major gas pipeline that
will run from the southwest province of Sichuan to Shanghai.
The pipeline is expected to channel billion cubic meters of natural gas annually
from Sichuan's Puguangfield to central and eastern regions, including Chongqing
Municipality, the provinces of Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and
Natural gas output is set to almost triple by 2020 as the country's top producer steps
up exploration and exploitation, a top expert told an energy forum in Beijing Monday.
"Gas production will increase fast with the estimated 2020 production hitting 150
billion cubic meters (bcm)," Qiu Zhongjian, an academician at the Chinese Academy
of Engineering,
China, the world's second biggest energy consumer, plans to boost its natural gas
2007-11-9 Production
production by 50 percent by 2010 to meet increasing demand.
"The nation's gas production will be 90 billion cubic meters in 2010. Natural gas will
then account for percent of the nation's total energy consumption," said Yang
Zhiyi, deputy general manager of Sinopec Natural Gas Co Ltd at Asia Gas Congress
Other Relevant Energy industry
Date Subject Content
Bloomberg reported that an Chase & Co boosted price estimates for
2007-10-30 Coal price estimate coal used by power generators and steelmakers by as much as 17%
because of rising imports into China and increased steel output.
Light sweet crude oil for December delivery once hit a record high of
dollars a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange
2007-11-07 Crude oil price on W ednesday. The prices have su