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上传人:weizifan339913 2019/1/6 文件大小:25 KB





The Diner at idnight-深夜客栈
I've been in lts f diners, and the've alas seeed t be ar, bus, friendl, happ plaes That's h, n a reent nda night, I stpped in a diner fr a up f ffee I as returning he after an all da ar trip and needed sething t help e ae the last frt-five iles A diner at idnight,hever,as nt the plae I had expeted It as diffhrent, and lnel
Tta pulled t a halt in frnt f the drear gra aluinu building that led lie an ld railrad ar A half-lit nen sign sputtered the essage, Fresh baed gds dail, n the surfae f the rain-sli paring lt nl a half dzen ars and a battered piup ere sattered arund the lt An ept paper ffee up ade a hll sraping sund as it rlled in sall irles n ne eent step lse t the diner entrane I pulled hard at the bal glass dr, and it hanged shut behind e
The diner as quiet hen I entered As there as n hstess n dut, nl the faint dr f stale grease and the dull hu f an ept refrigerated pastr ase greeted e I led arund fr a plae t sit The utside alls ere lined ith ept bths hih squatted ba t ba in their range vinl uphlster n eah speled beige-and-gld table ere the usual aessries The ithen hid steriusl behind t singing etal drs ith rund inds I glaned thrugh these inds but uld see nl a part t the large, apparentl deserted ing area Faing the ithen drs as the unter I apprahed the length f Fria and slid nt ne f the raed vinl seats blted in sldier lie straight lines i
