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文档介绍:Chinese and Western
Marriage View
Have you ever want to talk about a foreign boyfriend ??
Have you ever want to marry foreigners ?
What your standard of choosing a lover ?
The Chinese Standard of Choosing a lover
For Chinese ,the first factor to consider is the family’s background.
Second, the two families
should be on the equal
social status. And the financial
condition should be well.
Then ,the education background
is taken into consideration.
The last factor to think is the
person’s appearance and figures.
The Western Standard of Choosing a lover
For westerners , the most important factor is the two person’s feelings. If they feel nice with each other ,they bine with each other.
The rest conditions such as the family background or education background, they may not take into account.
They can obtain more freedom and equal.
They can decide which lover to choose by themselves.
They can talk about it with their parents.
The purpose of marriage
Chinese traditional marriage is based on family rather than love.
It means that: Marriage can make the two families bigger and bigger, enlarge the scale of relatives.
While, nowadays, the purpose of traditional marriage acknowledge the heavy impact. The younger pay attention to the marriage which true e first. But it is not a simple thing to change love into the main purpose in the highly traditional country.
The purpose of marriage
Western countries
Love and both sexes are the ground of western marriage.
The people who falls in love with each other expect to gain a full result. So they will choose to get married. They search for an opposite sex partner because of they desire to meet the long demand of physiology and psychology.
They think that the marriage without love is immoral and low-quality.
Chinese wedding ceremony
The whole wedding is red ,and it was the color representing joyous in the traditional China. This makes the wedding ceremony es cheerful.
In the traditional Chinese wedding, the
