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41. C: 与原文一致
42. B: conscious of = think
43. D: laughing stock = scapegoats
44. D: casually = natural / casual / relaxed
45. A: use = using / must know / to know / must practice / look for / search for(各段首句)
46. C: the invention of = devise, difficult = burdensome
47. C: devices = robot systems
48. D: respond = interact, changing = dynamic
49. B: intervention = supervision
50. C: brain = mind, relevant information = the monkey…or the single suspicious face…

51. B: reduction in supply = supply-cuts
52. D: 与原文一致
53. D: no significant impact = only -%
54. A: shocks = swings, less shocking = less sensitive
55. A: optimistic = less severe / less dependent on / less sensitive / not to lose sleep(各段首句)
56. B: illegal = no constitutional right, help the dying end = physician-assisted suicide
57. C: pain-relieving medication = morphine
58. B: inadequate treatment = undertreatment
59. A: bold = aggressive
60. D: 与原文一致

41. B: remold = reshape, intelligence service = Donovan’s vocation
42. A: online spying = electronic spying
43. C: ess = splash
44. C: unpredictability = difficult to tell good information from bad
45. B: nonconformist image = outsider status
46. A: call on = need to, take some actions = respond forcefully to…
47. B: inhuman = cruel, eptable = wasteful
48. B: ignorance = don't understand
49. A: 与原文一致
50. D: a supporter = who has made courageous statements about…

51. C: petitor = trucks
52. D: apprehensive = complain / worry / fear
53. C: unlikely = but the process is expensive, time-consuming, …
54. B: judges = arbiters = determining
55. A: acquisition = acquire one another
56. C: over-confident = doubled / can be replaced / controlled / removed
57. A: wasted = useless
58. B: reserved consent = I would not go that far


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