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文档介绍:新托福 iBT 口语黄金 80 题
1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。
The most useful book for me is the English dictionary. First, many English words
have more than one meaning and always confuse me. The dictionary can help me get
over by offering many detailed explanations and examples. In addition, I can also
learn how to apply the new words into writing and speaking by studying the examples
earnestly. Furthermore, I can learn a lot of knowledge beside new words. For example,
it is very likely that a good dictionary illustrate a specific animal or plant with a
picture. Thus, we get more information out of the dictionary.
2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。
In my view, television has a positive effect for modern society. First, it offers us an
efficient and convenient way to get the latest news. You can directly see what has
happened around the entire world just in your home. In addition, television also has
brought us a visual enjoyment and broadened our knowledge by different types of
programs. Furthermore, television can release job seeking pressure at some extent, by
providing a job chance for people who are willing to be engaged in related career.
3. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.
The most important decision I have ever made is, when I was 19 years old, I chose
medicine as my major in college. It is of great importance because it determines what
I will learn and what I will do the next four years. In addition, my parents are both
doctors and they hope I, as their son, could pursue the same career. And to be a doctor
is my dream when I was still a little boy. So the decision not only satisfies the wish of
my parents but also provides an opportunity for me to realize my dream. Furthermore,
because I entered the medical school, I will e a doctor, a career which gives me
fulfillment and happiness everyday after my patients healing. Therefore, studying
medicine is a wise decision in my lif


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