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文档介绍:Unit One
Task 1
Dialogue 1
Hi, Michael, how's it going?
Pretty good. How are you doing, Sam?
Not bad, thanks.
Dialogue 2
Hello, I'm Sally. Glad to meet you.
Hello, Sally. My name's are you from?
I'm from Singapore. And this is my cousin Irene. She's in the same department with us.
Hi, Amy.
Pleased to meet you, Irene.
Dialogue 3
Professor Smith, I'd like to introduce Allen to you. This is my roommate, Allen. And Allen, this is my English teacher, Professor Smith.
How do you do, Professor Smith? Henry always tells me that he enjoys your classes very much. It's my great pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you, Allen. So are you an English major, too?
No, I major puter science. But I like English a lot.
Task 2
name's Raymond. I live in Long Island. I am here to study journalism.
2. Hello, I'm Sarah. e from California. And this is my cousin Emily. She's from Michigan. We are both in the English Department.
3. Hey, everyone. My name's John. e from HongKong. I am glad to study chemistry here.
Part B Listening Practice
Task 1
1. e, I'd like you to meet Simon.
2. Nice weather, isn't it?
3. Good afternoon
4. Let's get to know each other. Why don't we say a little bit of ourselves?
Task 2
Good morning. how can I help you?
Good morning. I'm here to apply for a student ID. My name's Jessica Ross.
Have you registered, Jessica?
No, I haven't.
Here's what you'll do. You need to get registered before having a student ID. Go to the next room and they will help you fill in the form there. Come back here after registration.
OK, the next room, is that right?
That's right.
Thank you, madam. See you later.
You're e. See you.
1. She wants to apply for a student ID.
2. No, she can’t. Because she needs to get registered first.
3. To the next room.
Task 3
My name is Donald Trump, and I’m the largest real estate developer in New York. I own buildings all over the place, model agencies, jet liners, golf courses, casinos, and private resorts