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On Yu Hua "construction of Xu Sanguan blood-selling legend" the image of father in
Abstract:Open from the age of y. Yu Hua’s works gradually return to traditional HUA works during this period opened on small characters and the bottom of the public life. In these Hua’s description od the image of”father” gradually “father” image of the Yu Hua’s ”Xu Sanguan blood-selling legend”.Yu Hua toXu Sanguan sell blood as a continuous story line. In again choose to sell blood. Why the frequent blood Xu Sanguan but never die. What forces supporters in Xu Sanguan. Let him face tuo face with the suffering of life so strong? As the father of Xu Sanguan hidden in the goodness of human nature. Highlight the responsibility of love of the traditional image of “father”. Thus .“XuSanguan blood-selling legend” is Yu Hua create “father”self backwash. Also means the great-leap-forward development and breakthrough of Yu Hua’s creation. With the transformation of artistic ideas and creation Yu Hua began to enter a new search and writing ordinary father’s journey. Began to appear on the father’s salvation in his novels. But also cab be said to be “father” to return. This paper mainly from the perspective of the construction of Yu Hua "Xu Sanguan blood-selling legend" the image of father in carries on the profound analysis.
Keyword:Xu Sanguan ;blood-selling ;legend father; image tough ;character
一、绪论 3
二、人物形象 4
(一)坚韧的性格 4
(二)父爱的本能 5
(三)性格的矛盾 6
(四)英雄的形象 7
三、创作手法 7
(一)叙事特色 7


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