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西塘以“桥多、弄多、廊棚多”的三大特色而赢得广大游人们的青睐,其中西塘旅游公司开发的景点有11个, 从逆时针方向走:由古镇中部的叶家弄进入,入西街右转,经“根雕馆、瓦当馆、薛宅钮扣馆”;---到双桥处,直走过安境桥右转,在烧香港,游“倪居、圣庙、木雕馆”;---延西塘港东边古街北上,过狮子桥,可见“黄酒馆”;---沿细长的烟雨长廊,经送子来凤桥,一直往西,来到“醉园、七老爷庙”;---返回环秀桥,右转进“锺福堂”;沿西街往东,最终游览“西园”
Wolong bridge
Wufu dridge
SongZiLaiFeng bridgr
HuanXiu bridge
Gallery tent廊棚
Xitang town's most famous scenic line is near km-long, handsome rustic porch awning, the so-called corridor canopy, in fact, is a street with a roof. Xitang porch awning it is close to the River, centered along side some of them equipped with back benches, for people to rest. Porch canopy dominated by brick-wood structure, one color Mexican tiles cover roof, was built along the River, as a single entity, commonly known as "a drowning".
Both Sun and rain, and stop viewing, along the chic little trafficked articles, walked among them, left it spring into life.
Xitang "June Red" Crab 西塘“六月红”河蟹
Jiashan rice wine 嘉善黄酒
Eight Treasure Cake 八珍糕
Special Product
"West pool night, waiting for you for thousands of years. "To xitang did not see the West pool night indeed regrettable! Along the promenade there are a row of red lanterns, the evening lit up all night, to the people they are street lamps, for visitors is the picturesque scenery. Water tour Opera during the opening stage of the Celebrating Mother's Birthday, Tin songs, such as the five-girl shows, people sat around the other side of the theater, the tourists on board the theater, under the stage is the scenery.
Cruise West pool must not be forgotten by boat, sitting on a boat perpetual scholars perpetual scholars, with tour guides sing xitang minor, the lanterns are water, people seemed in Jiangnan picturesque dreams


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