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文档介绍:Foreign Language and Literature Department
The Dissertation Proposal of 2011 Year’s Undergraduates
Title: The Leading– in Design of English Class Teaching in Rural Junior Middle Schools
Student : Du Longfei
Supervisor: Yang Yuhua( Vice Professor)
Reasons and Significance
Class teaching is a whole. However, the design of class teaching leading-in is an important step and a main part in class teaching. it is also the key to arouse the students’ desire of seeking knowledge. The essful leading-in is the important catalytic promter of teaching ess. An ingenious leading-in can make the teaching get unexpected result. So a essful leading-in design is the key to have a class well, it is a good beginning, it can connect the former knowledge and mix the knowledge from the beginning to the end together, which makes class teaching have inspiring 、art 、 arbitrary 、 pertinence and interesting.
In rural, because of the condition limitations, most students have a narrow range of knowledge . They have no interests and confidences in learning English. Therefore, it is necessary for English teachers to introduce some related cultures and knowledge before the class teaching, which can help the students know something about the new lesson and let the English class go on smoothly.
literature review
The first part is introduction of the dissertation. It expounds the present situation of our country’s rural education and the problems of English Class Teaching occurring in Rural Junior Middle Schools. It mainly talks about the meaning and significance of English Class Teaching Leading-in Design in Rural Junior Middle Schools of our country.
The second part mainly elaborates the principles that the Leading-in Design should follow. The principles are inspiring 、interesting、arbitrary and pertinence .
The third part is to talk about the methods of Leading-in design.
The last part is the conclusion. By elaborating the significance、principles and ways of Class Teaching Lea


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