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糖尿病 09指南.pdf

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糖尿病 09指南.pdf



文档介绍:Executive Summary
Executive Summary: Standards of Medical
Care in Diabetes—2009
Current Criteria for the Diagnosis of Testing for Type 2 Diabetes in ● Follow-up counseling appears to be im-
Diabetes Children portant for ess. (B)
● Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) Ն126 ● Test children who are overweight (BMI ● Based on potential cost savings of diabe-
mg/dl ( mmol/l). Fasting is defined Ͼ85th percentile for age and sex, tes prevention, such counseling should
as no caloric intake for at least 8 h weight for height Ͼ85th percentile, or be covered by third-party payors. (E)
● Symptoms of hyperglycemia and a ca- weight Ͼ120% of ideal for height) and
Ն have any two of the following risk fac-
sual (random) plasma glucose 200 Glucose Monitoring
mg/dl ( mmol/l). Casual (random) tors: ●
● Family history of type 2 diabetes in Self-monitoring of blood glucose
is defined as any time of day without (SMBG) should be carried out three or
regard to time since last meal. The clas- first- or second-degree relative
● more times daily for patients using mul-
sic symptoms of hyperglycemia include Race/ethnicity of Native American,
African American, Latino, Asian tiple insulin injections or insulin pump
polyuria, polydipsia, and unexplained therapy. (A)
weight loss. American, or Pacific Islander
● Signs of insulin resistance or condi- ● For patients using less frequen