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1. A. Hi, Jane. Where are you? B. Of course, we are. C. Hi, Jane. Glad to see you again.
2. A. It’s a birthday party. B. We were singing and dancing in the party.
C. It’s the most interesting party I’ve ever seen.
3. A. The radio says it’s windy. B. It’s very hot here in summer. C. I’d like to swim tomorrow.
4. A. The same to you.. B. Thank you. C. With pleasure.
5. A. I won’t. B. I can’t. C. I don’t.
6. A. I’m getting on well with my French. B. I’ve studied French for two years.
C. I studied French very hard.
B) 对话理解(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
7. When does the boy usually go to school?
A. 7:00 B. 7:15. C. 7:50
8. Where is the woman from?
A. America. B. Canada . C. Germany.
9. What happened to Mary this morning?
A. She couldn’t start the car. B. She was very late for school.
C. Her dad couldn’t start the car.
10. What has the boy bought for his American friend?
A. A T-shirt. B. A cap. pencil-box.
11. How many classes has the boy got in the morning?
A. Three classes. B. Four classes . C. Five classes.
12. What drink does the man order for himself?
A. Beer. B. Water. C. Wine.
is the policeman angry?
A. Because the car doesn’t have the number plate.
B. Because the car is parked in a wrong place.
C. Because the car is very dirty and dangerous.
14. What does the man hate watching?
A. Cartoons B. Detective films. C. Football matches.
   , 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,短文读两
15. Lingnan thinks that the probable place to see a bear will be_________.
A. in the forest. B. at the dump(垃圾堆). C. by the lake.
16. Lingnan thinks that bears are most dangerous when they__________.
A. hear bells ring. B. see the deer. C. are surprised by people.
17. Lingnan went to bed very late on the first night because he________.


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