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Risk factors for depressive symptoms
during pregnancy: a systematic review
Christie A. Lancaster, MD, MS; Katherine J. Gold, MD, MSW, MS; Heather A. Flynn, PhD;
Harim Yoo; Sheila M. Marcus, MD; Matthew M. Davis, MD, MAPP
epression is one of the -
plications in pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors for antepartum depressive symptoms
As many as % of pregnant women that can be assessed in routine obstetric care. We evaluated articles in the English-
experience a major depressive language literature from 1980 through 2008. Studies were selected if they evaluated the
Several anizations now association between antepartum depressive symptoms and Ն1 risk factors. For each risk
mend routine screening for ante- factor, 2 blinded, independent reviewers evaluated the overall trend of evidence. In total,
partum ,3 In fact, the Ameri- 57 studies met eligibility criteria. Maternal anxiety, life stress, history of depression, lack of
can College of Obstetricians and Gynecol- social support, unintended pregnancy, Medicaid insurance, domestic violence, lower in-
ogists (ACOG) mends e, lower education, smoking, single status, and poor relationship quality were asso-
for depression during each trimester of ciated with a greater likelihood of antepartum depressive symptoms in bivariate analyses.
Life stress,