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City traffic management and urban planning
Abstract: At the present time,traffic problem has became one of the biggest problem that urban development are faced face perplex,traffic planning should try to keep traffic and city be put forward a challenge for city planning ,especially for the traditional method of land -use strengthen rode construction,we also should innovate the traditional ideas and method to relieve traffic is the key to solve the city traffic problem at the pres -ent time.
Key words: City traffic; Traffic management; Urban planning; Coordinate
Our Country make the greatest achievement on road construction in the 20 ,the traff ic problems , appear on many cities today , we never found before,like Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou and so ,each city make a great concern for the traffic problem when they revise urban Ministry of Public Security and Provincial Transportation Authority put relieving traffic problem as the point for future of Public Security and Ministry of Construction even proposed to jointly part of the city in the county implementation" unimpeded " macrosco -pic by Ministry of Public Security and Ministry of Construction.
Traditional urban planning,prehensive planning always define urban development morphology by synthetical analysis,and overa


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