(苏州大学信息光学工程研究所苏州 215006)
摘要:设计了351 nm紫外光条件下支持亚波长结构干涉光刻的光学透镜组,,支持双光束最大干涉角度55°,该光学头理论上能光刻的最小结构周期为400 nm。研制了采用熔石英位相光栅作为分束元件的干涉光学头,在351 nm波长下,光刻了周期为450 nm的点阵结构,得到了尺寸约200 nm的凸点结构,实验结果表明,该光学头具有支持亚波长周期结构光刻的功能,是一种亚波长结构器件制造的重要技术手段。
中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 国家标准学科分类代码:
Optical head supporting sub wavelength structure with UV
interference lithography
Pu Donglin, Wei Guojun, Zhang Heng, Chen Linsen
(Information Optical Engineering Institute, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, China)
Abstract:A lens set has been designed for making sub-wavelength structure with interference lithography at wavelength of 351 nm. The image space numerical aperture is , the maximum angle between two interference beams is 55 degrees and the minimum pitch is 400 nm theoretically. The performance of the proposed optical head was experimentally verified by using fused silica grating as the beam splitter. Dot matrix with 450 nm period and 200 nm dot is obtained. Experimental results show that the optical head has the ability to fabricate sub-wavelength period structures and can be used as an important tool for fabricating the devices with sub-wavelength structures.
Key words:sub wavelength optics; interference optical head;UV lithography
1 引言
收稿日期:2008-08 Received Date:2008-08