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OC1 2
OC2 8
OC3 15
OC4 21
OC5 28
OC6 34
TEST 1 41
TEST 2 46
TEST 3 51
TEST 4 56
TEST 5 63
TEST 6 69
TEST 7 75
TEST 8 82
TEST 9 88
TEST 10 94
08年真题 101
2008年1月 101
2008年5月 106
2008年10月 111
09年真题 117
2009年1月 117
2009年5月 122
2009年10月 128
11年真题 134
2011年01月 134
1. William Faulkner, being that he was a Southern writer, used Mississippi as a setting for most of his novels.
(A) being that he was a Southern writer
(B) a Southern writer
(C) while a writer from the South
(D) in origin a writer of the South
(E) because of him being a writer from the South
2. Tadpoles hatch and metamorphose into small replicas of adult frogs although remaining in their aquatic birthplace.
(A) although remaining
(B) while remaining
(C) in spite of it remaining
(D) due to their remaining
(E) in the course of which they remain
3. You cannot expect to treat your friends badly and no one notices.
(A) and no one notices
(B) and have no one notice
(C) without notice by someone
(D) without notice by no one
(E) without the result of somebody noticing
4. The memoirs of President Clinton begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate in his rise to the presidency.
(A) begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate
(B) that begin with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate
(C) have begun with his childhood in Arkansas and culminate
(D) have begun with his childhood in Arkansas and culminating
(E) began with his childhood in Arkansas and are Culminated
5. Because of ignoring its potential, biofeedback is a medical therapy most physicians reject.
(A) Because of ignoring its potential, biofeedback is a medical therapy most physicians reject.
(B) Biofeedback is rejected by most physicians because of their ignoring its potential.
(C) Most physicians, because of ignoring the potential of biofeedback, and rejecting it.
(D) Most physicians reject biofeedback because they ignore its potential.


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