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耳鼻喉 英文单词.doc

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耳鼻喉 英文单词.doc

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耳鼻喉 英文单词.doc


艾滋病 AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
半规管 Semicircular canal
半面痉挛 Hemifacial spasm
贝尔氏面瘫 Bell’s palsy
鼻瓣 Nasal valve
鼻阈 Nasal threshold
鼻咽静脉丛 Nasopharyngeal venous plexus
鼻侧切开术 Lateral rhinotomy
鼻出血 Epistaxis
鼻的胚胎发育 Embryology of nose
鼻囊肿 Cyst of nose
鼻炎 Rhinitis
急性 acute
慢性 chronic
萎缩性 atropic
鼻窦炎 Paranasal sinusitis
急性 acute
慢性 chronic
眶内并发症 plication
颅内并发症 plication
鼻息肉 nasal polyps
鼻真菌病 Rhinomycosis
鼻腔良性肿瘤 Nasal cavity benign neoplasm
鼻腔恶性肿瘤 Nasal cavity malignant neoplasm
鼻窦粘液囊肿 Paranasal sinuses mucocele
鼻骨骨折 Nasal bone fractrue
鼻和鼻窦外伤 Nasal and sinuses trauma
鼻疖 Furuncle of nose
鼻内镜 Nasal endoscope
鼻内镜外科 Nasal endoscopic surgery
鼻外筛窦切除术 External ethmoidectomy
鼻前庭炎 Nasal vestibulitis
鼻腔持续正压通气 Nasal continuous positive airway pressure
鼻测压法 Rhinomanometry
鼻前庭囊肿 Nasal vestibular
鼻小柱 Nasal Columella
鼻咽癌 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
鼻咽纤维血管瘤 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
鼻咽纤维镜检查 Fibronasopharyngoscopy
鼻异物 Foreign body of nose
鼻中隔 Nasal septum
鼻中隔成形术 Septuplasty
鼻中隔穿孔 Perforation of nasal septum
鼻中隔Little区 Little’s area of nasal septum
鼻粘膜纤毛输送系统 Mucociliary transport system
鼻阻力 Nasal airway resistance
鼻周期 nasal cycle
扁桃体 tonsil
切除术 tonsillectomy
周围脓肿 peritonsillar abscess
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of tonsil
扁桃体炎 Tonsillitis
病灶性 focus
变应性鼻炎 Allergic rhinitis
变应性鼻窦炎 Allergic sinusitis
真菌性鼻窦炎 Fu