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文档介绍:Computer Exhibitions
Exhibitions are useful because we can see the1 ___developments in any fields, from farming puters. Computer2__are very exciting because we can see how these machines are getting smaller and 3___, but at the same time more and4__powerful. puter that twenty years5__would have filled a room is just a small box today. In fact, you can hold puter in the palm of your hand. Many people think puters7____grey and silent machines, but this is not8__.
Exhibitions are useful because we can see the1 ___developments in any fields, from farming puters. Computer2__are very exciting because we can see how these machines are getting smaller and 3___, but at the same time more and4__powerful. puter that twenty years5__would have filled a room is just a small box today. In fact, you can hold puter in the palm of your hand. Many people think puters7____grey and silent machines, but this is not8__.
puter exhibition is9___of colour and sound. Computer screens display beautiful coloured patterns 10__the machines bleep continually and 11__tunes. Some of 12__even talk! At one moment they will cheerfully do the 13__of work that you an I find boring! At 14___, they will 15__a game with you. 16__are always fascinating. Unlike 17___beings they never 18 ___ tired and angry.
In fact, you can hold puter in the palm of your hand. Many people think puters7____grey and silent machines, but this is not8__.
Tsunami Waves Reach US West Coast 海啸到达美国西海岸[tsu'nɑmi]
The first tsunami waves have reached the . West Coast after sweeping past the country's Pacific island state of Hawaii. There have been no immediate reports of casualties in the .  Waves of a meter or more hit the coastal state of