工厂供电系统就是将电力系统的电能降压再分配电能到各个厂房或车间中去,它由工厂降压变电所,高压配电线路,车间变电所,低压配电线路及用电设备组成。工厂总降压变电所及配电系统设计,是根据各个车间的负荷数量和性质,生产工艺对负荷的要求,以及负荷布局,,经济技术的分配电能问题。其基本内容有以下几方面:进线电压的选择, 变配电所位置的电气设计, 短路电流的计算, 电气设备的选择,车间变电所位置和变压器数量、容量的选择, 防雷接地装置设计等. 
Factory power supply system is the energy the energy buck redistribution of the power system to the plant or workshop, it is an integral step-down substations, high-voltage distribution lines, plant substation, low voltage distribution lines and electrical equipment factory. Factory step-down substation and distribution system design is based on the number and nature of the workshop load, the load requirements of the production process, and load layout, combined with the national power supply situation. Solve the safety of the various departments reliable, economic and technological distribution of electric energy issues. The basic content of the following aspects: the choice of the line voltage, electrical design of substation location, the calculation of the short-circuit current, electrical equipment choice, the workshop substation location and the number of transformer capacity choice, lightning grounding device design.
The design in the plant for distribution research, on the basis of the argument, pletion of the factory load calculation, 10KV substation main wiring design; also conducted a short circuit calculation, the selection and verification of the electrical equipment. In the design of the end of the power supply system of the Factory lightning protection.
Key words substation load short-circuit electric appliance
摘要 I
第1章绪论 3
课题背景 3
工厂供配电设计的目的和意义 3
工厂供配电设计的主要内容 3
第2章设计任务 3
设计题目 3
设计要求 3
设计资料分析 3
供电电源情况 3
工厂供电的技术要求 3
车间各负荷情况 3
本章小结 3
第3章负荷计算和无功功率补偿 3
各车间负荷计算 3