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The study object of the paper is about a large fertilizer factory where a lot of high and low voltage supply devices are. According to analyze the concrete situation about the possessed load and the increased capacity, it is to choose the location of the new switch room, definitude the load grade, adjust the load together with generatrix, confirm the system running plan and the parameters of electrical power distribution . Choosing and testing the electrical devices matched condition, researching and designing the second loop by calculation of load, short circuit current and peak/short-time withstand current test. They can guarantee the effective running for the loop of the controlling, adjusting, relay protection and automation equipment, measurement and signal and the operated supply power. On the course of system optimizing, to save energy, fund and the improving cost, it should raise the utilization and the usage efficiency of electric power as far as possible .At last, it studied the system structure of the automation system bined ourselves to discuss the foundation of intelligent transformation and distribution station as the basis of realization for the system improvement. On the base of designing the power supply and distribution system,with the state of realising automatization for power supply and distribution room ,we progress feasibility analysis from design principle, system configure and construction, function and technique index. At last, the soft design is also progressed. and to upgrade the power supply and distribution room's intelligence l


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