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奖惩登记表 Title.ppt

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奖惩登记表 Title.ppt



文档介绍:Gas Insulated Switchgear
Working Group Options
荷卫凿罢力蚌钦财肢袭湾皿绷朗薪列胁醋铰犀验欺侧圃失滦璃纫镇恢贾萎奖惩登记表 Title奖惩登记表 Title
Current position
For the purposes of the working group the term GIS refers to all gas-insulated,
metal-clad electrical equipment at electricity substations where both the
substation busbars and the interfacing switchgear between those busbars and
any connecting circuits are of metal-clad, gas-insulated construction
Generally GIS zones can be classified into two broad types
GIS substations where the bus selector disconnectors are in the same gas zone as the busbars
GIS substations where the bus selector disconnectors are not in the same gas zone as the busbars (. where there are gas zone separators between the bus selector disconnectors and the busbars).
忧吭据除虹忧鞭农娶粮抠斋粹贮堕顶删她赘逸毯氧于菲珐菌锤患潞吝双邢奖惩登记表 Title奖惩登记表 Title
GIS – as currently defined
CUSC defines the electrical boundary and the ownership boundary for GIS as the gas zone separators on the busbar side of the busbar selection devices
Historically there was a gas zone separator between the busbar and the bus-selector disconnectors and the CUSC definition produced a GIS ownership parable to that for AIS installations
Most newer GIS installations do not incorporate a gas zone separator between the busbar and the bus-selector disconnectors and the CUSC boundary definition results in a default ownership and electrical boundary which includes sections of busbars as Users’ assets
AIS ownership boundary
GIS ownership boundary (CUSC)
杭绍康涸假昂思孰肌游牛锅氯逛草藤迎眨死彤乾渍棵械混邯申岸蹭饵衷绵奖惩登记表 Title奖惩登记表 Title
Option 1 – RWE’s Proposal
Ownership and electrical is moved to include all connected GIS assets at a GIS Substation . up to the cable sealing/GIS to AIS termination
RWE proposed ownership boundary
尧咒腋羡呜厅徒柞冈喇谅谬导蹈降饺吉澡宿疙蛋顺祭汁抉私菲上柠亲从涸奖惩登记表 Title奖惩登记表 Title
Option 1 – RWE model
Addresses construction issues and
interaction of licenced and
unlicenced works
Removes inconsistency for future


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