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线性代数 英文版_第7版_Steven J.Leon_课后答案[1-7章].pdf.pdf

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线性代数 英文版_第7版_Steven J.Leon_课后答案[1-7章].pdf.pdf

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线性代数 英文版_第7版_Steven J.Leon_课后答案[1-7章].pdf.pdf


Instructor’s Solutions Manual
Steven J. Leon
This solutions manual is designed to pany the seventh edition of Linear
Algebra with Applications by Steven J. Leon. The answers in this manual supple-
ment those given in the answer key of the textbook. In addition this manual contains
plete solutions to all of the nonroutine exercises in the book.
At the end of each chapter of the textbook there are two chapter tests (A and
B) and a section puter exercises to be solved using MATLAB. The questions
in each Chapter Test A are to be answered as either true or false. Although the true-
false answers are given in the Answer Section of the textbook, students are required
to explain or prove their answers. This manual includes explanations, proofs, and
counterexamples for all Chapter Test A questions. The chapter tests labelled B
contain workout problems. The answers to these problems are not given in the
Answers to Selected Exercises Section of the textbook, however, they are provided
in this manual. Complete solutions are given for all of the nonroutine Chapter Test
B exercises.
In the MATLAB exercises most of putations are straightforward. Con-
sequently they have not been included in this solutions manual. On the other hand,
the text also includes questions related to putations. The purpose of the
questions is to emphasize the significance of putations. The solutions man-
ual does provide the answers to most of these questions. There are some questions
for which it is not possible to provide a single answer. For example, aome exercises
involve randomly generated matrices. In these cases the answers may depend on
the particular random matrices that were generated.
Steven J. Leon
Chapter 1 1
Chapter 2 26
Chapter 3 37
Chapter 4 63
Chapter 5 75
Chapter 6 110
Chapter 7 150
 11111
 021−21
2. (d) 


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