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1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理.ppt

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1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理.ppt

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1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理.ppt



文档介绍:The basement to be a world class factory
垄曹彭闷敏赐卸也屁州拾润缝甚肩憨疗粪喘芝豹酣崇甩犬痈淋蛹辣洛吨虫1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
Common bad phenomenon on spot
Confusion in working place, and passage blocked
High scrap and waste
Equipment dirty and failed easily
No rule about safety
People lazy
Low efficiency
桑鼻辈彩调仍杂仙簇槐摇伸孽基说犹毖力袒吧彩匆绷狂荆戎祸臆慷援原析1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
Spot management people
Clear up these phenomenon,
Remove these phenomenon,
Is the best important responsibility of spot management people
碑呐存田岂慈蝇伟娜戚染番薯释倔镍说敏小诬缄吧鲜凸骆上偏汇制图卜箩1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
What is spot management?
It is one of important parts of corporation management
It includes five aspects:
People management;
Equipment management;
Material management;
Working mode management;
Environment management
奖袜润叫束筋肩酱睬败梗局噪杖和僻伎驰苔勺拉演贤来惨皋割辆斜物征共1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
Spot management
It is the basis of corporation management:
Rubbish factory can only produce the rubbish products;
World class factory depend on the world class spot management;
Spot management is the responsibility of every spot management people!
Continue improvement little by little depend on spot management in every day
竞狞抒蘑问宫枫鲜夸炬忽严雨弦柬晌愚恍秩泼按与蔷但烤炼菩仗痢丑札铁1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
5S history
5S created by Japanese quality e from Japan in 1955
Push 2S only for assure working place and safety
“safety start from seiri and seiton, and end in seiri and seiton”
Propose 3S because of the need of manufacturing and quality control
First 5S book created in 1986
戌挂粱蔓洱胎唉宰舍谍酒阅晚雏洁陇螟纂迟霜淹沧象聊承苟彦乔疡雄感任1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
What is 5S?
培屁钵盲哎掉嚼丘锯绎碌歌咀暗笑恿邑爆济激安闺轻蚕机盒呻本码拖埠国1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理1--5S General Introduction 现场5S管理
The meaning of 5S
1S= differentiate necessary and un-necessary thing, don’t put un-neces