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文档介绍:Modern Family S06 Scripts 《摩登家庭》第六季中英对照剧本由帮您』编辑整理

Modern Family S06E01

1--Let me get that,
2--After a storybook wedding 在经历了状况频出的婚礼
3--and a magical honeymoon,和梦幻的蜜月之后
4--Mitchell and I are finally
5--Are you sure you wouldn't be fortable 你不觉得坐在你自己的椅子上
6--in your own chair?更舒服一点吗
7--There's no more "My chair" Or "Your chair."别再说什么"你的""我的"了
8--So we got back from our honeymoon several weeks ago,几星期前我们度完蜜月回来
9--and it feels like it never --感觉就像还未...
10--Never ended? Oh, my
11--It's like we have one mind and one
12--And one
13--Happy three-month
14--Oh, is that today?是今天吗
15--So, listen, I have this boring cocktail thing at the office,我们公司今天有个无聊的鸡尾酒会
16--but I should be home by 6:00,但我应该六点就能到家了
17--and then we can head to the
18--For you, dad. From dad.
19--Flowers? But you just got me flowers
20--Well, you also had cereal
21--And I wouldn't mind having some
22--Sure was nice when this house wasn't full of
23--More syrup for milady?女士要再来点糖浆吗
24--Why, thank you, kind
25--Claire, do we still have any of those cookies that you and Luke baked?克莱尔你和卢克做
26--Are we the kind of family that has cookies for breakfast?我们是那种拿曲奇饼当早餐的家庭

27--Yes, we are!当然我们就是
28--Yeah! Yeah!好耶好耶
29--A butterfly!有蝴蝶
30--Oh, my god!天呐
31--We are having...我们度过了
32--...the most perfect summer...有史以来最完美的
34--Don't get me wrong,别误会
35--the Dunphys have had some great
36--We just have a little trouble stringing them
37--Our record was eight consecutive blissful days --我们的最好纪录是连续八天的幸福日子
38--December 2007 年 12 月
39--It was our
40--This summer, all the Dunphys are just
Modern Family S06 Scripts 《摩登家庭》第六季中