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文档介绍:BBC Sherlock
A Study in Pink
S01E01 Script
Therapist (T): How's your blog going?
JW: Yeah, good, very good.
T: You haven't written a word, have you?
JW: You just wrote "still has trust issues".
T: And you read my writing upside down. You see what I mean? John, you're a soldier and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you.
JW: Nothing happens to me.
Donovan (D): The body of Beth Davenport, Junior Minister for Transport, was found late last night on a building site in Greater London. Preliminary investigations suggest that this was suicide. We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of Sir Jeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. The investigation is ongoing but Detective Inspector Lestrade will take questions now.
Reporter (D): Detective Inspector, how can suicides be linked?
Lestrade (D): Well, they all took the same poison. They were all found in places they had no reason to be. None of them had shown any prior indication.
R: But you can't have serial suicides.
L: Well, apparently you can.
R: These three people, there's nothing that links them?
L: There's no link we've found yet but we're looking for it. There has to be one.
D: If you've all got texts, please ignore them.
R: It just says "Wrong".
D: Well, just ignore that. If there are no more questions, I'm going to bring this session to an end.
R: If they're suicides, what are you investigating?
L: As I say, these suicides are clearly linked. It's an unusual situation, we've got our best people investigating.
R: Says "Wrong" again.
D: One more question.
R: Is there any chance that these are murders? And if they are, is this
the work of a serial killer?
L: I know that you like writing about these but these do appear to be suicides. We know the difference. The poison was clearly self-administered.