文档介绍:Session 5
What will happen?
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Every culture has rules about the CORRECT use of space. The proxemic (relating to the study of space) rules are unwritten and never taught-- but they are very powerful
a. She will ask them to sit somewhere else.
b. She will stare at the space "invaders" defiantly, but she will not move .
c. She will leave, saying nothing to the three people who invaded her personal space.
Flight is the mon response to spatial invasions, and only 2% of the "invaded" people in proxemics experiments ever say anything to those who invade their personal space. The invasion is stressful for the invaded, making an early departure is almost certain.
No gesture has the same meaning!!
there is no 'international language' of gestures. Instead, cultures have developed systems of unique gestures, and it is almost never possible for us to understand intuitively the gestures from another culture.
French gesture for 'I don't believe you' ,
guess what this Iranian gesture means?
No. 1 for me/ Good luck / screw you
Screw you
This gesture teaches an extremely important lesson. This gesture is identical to the American/English gesture for ‘Good Luck to you.’ But it is an obscene (淫猥的) gesture, and an American traveling in Iran would outrage people there if the American performed this gesture. When in another culture or society, we should never 'mirror' a gesture that someone presents to us--without knowing it, we could be deeply offending that person and inviting conflict.
Who won the game of one-on-one basketball?
a. The man on the left
b. The man on the right
The man on the right
He seems confident, poised and modest--all qualities that suggest he is the winner of the game.